Attributes and effects of salvage logging after the ice break disturbance in the Börzsöny Mts., 2014
In the last decades, natural disturbances have caused increasing damages in European forests. In 2014, catastrophic ice damage (the worst in 50 years) occurred in the Börzsöny Mts., Hungary. In our study, we made a quantitative description and comparison of ice disturbance events of the last 20 yrs. in the Börzsöny Mts. We also examined the effects of the 2014’s ice disturbance: we resampled 885 sampling points with the same methodology which was used before the ice break. Our results showed that the decrease in canopy closure resulted in increased cover of nitrophilic herbaceous plants and low (below 0.5 m) tree regeneration. We also showed that the salvage logging (and the applied techniques) have an impact on the mentioned cover changes. Compared with traditional logging techniques (horse or human powered), logging with machines could generate more severe damage in the saplings, and could contribute to the increase in the cover of nitrophilic herbs. In the Pogány-Rózsás Forest Reserve (which has been unmanaged for some decades) compared with the managed forests, had slightly less serious effects of the ice break.
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