Editorial Team

Head of the Editorial Board, Editor-in Chief:

 Flóra Tinya

Institute of Ecology and Botany, HUN-REN Centre for Ecological Research

Alkotmány u. 2-4, H-2163 Vácrátót, Hungary

E-mail: tinya.flora@ecolres.hu


Editor (Section ’Social Sciences in Conservation’):

 Eszter Tormáné Kovács

Institute for Wildlife Management and Nature Conservation, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Páter Károly u. 1, H-2100 Gödöllő, Hungary

E-mail: kovacs.eszter@uni-mate.hu


Editorial Board:

 András Báldi

Institute of Ecology and Botany, HUN-REN Centre for Ecological Research

Alkotmány u. 2-4, H-2163 Vácrátót, Hungary

E-mail: baldi.andras@ecolres.hu


 Zuzana Dítě

Plant Science and Biodiversity Center SAS
Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 23 Bratislava, Slovak Republic

E-mail: zuzana.dite@savba.sk


 Annamária Fenesi

Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Biology and Geology, Hungarian Department of Biology and Ecology

Republicii str. 42, RO-400015  Cluj-Napoca, Cluj country, Romania

E-mail: annamaria.fenesi@ubbcluj.ro


 Veronika Fabók

Ideas Science Ltd., Oroszvár u. 5, H-1173 Budapest, Hungary

E-mail: fabok.vera@gmail.com


 Ferenc Horváth

Institute of Ecology and Botany, HUN-REN Centre for Ecological Research

Alkotmány u. 2-4, H-2163 Vácrátót, Hungary

E-mail: horvath.ferenc@ecolres.hu


 Győző Horváth

Department of Ecology, Institute of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Pécs

Ifjúság útja 6, H-7624 Pécs, Hungary

E-mail: hgypte@gamma.ttk.pte.hu


 András Liker

MTA-PE Evolutionary Ecology Research Group, University of Pannonia

Egyetem u. 10, H-8200 Veszprém, Hungary

E-mail: andras.liker@gmail.com


 Margóczi Katalin

Department of Ecology, University of Szeged

Középfasor 52, H6726 Szeged, Hungary

E-mail: katmargoczi@gmail.com



Technical Editor:

 Zoltán Soltész

Institute of Ecology and Botany, HUN-REN Centre for Ecological Research

Alkotmány u. 2-4, H-2163 Vácrátót, Hungary

E-mail: soltesz.zoltan@ecolres.hu



 Kata Kótai


English language reviewer:

 Sára Szövényiné Márialigeti