Szerepjáték, álnévhasználat és irodalmi fikció

  • Krisztián Benyovszky Nyitrai Konstantin Filozófus Egyetem
Kulcsszavak: álnevek, írói névadás, Agatha Christie, Hercule Poirot, maszk az irodalomban


Role-playing games, the use of pseudonyms and literary fiction

The paper contains the onomastic analysis of the comedy crime novel Zločin Hercula Poirona (The Crime of Hercule Poiron) by Eva Bešťáková, which was published in 2016. The focus is on the connection between role-playing games and the motivations behind the use of pseudonyms. The story of the Czech writer foregrounds a main character who one day decides to play the role of Hercule Poirot. His name (Hercule Poiron) and his features are similar to those of the world-famous Belgian detective. He manages to persuade many people that he is the real Poirot, however, he is well behind in character and skills. As a result, his game eventually fails. The story of Poirot has a metaphorical meaning. The conclusion of the study is that the behaviour of the characters in literary apocrypha is characteristically theatrical: similarly to actors, the characters use pseudonyms temporarily, while they step into the shoes of another person. This means that detective figures in Poirot stories not written by Agatha Christie must be considered figures who play the role of the real Poirot.

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