A quarter of a century of the Hubay–Popper string quartet in the musical life of Budapest
At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the Hubay–Popper String Quartet, the first world- class Hungarian chamber ensemble, occupied a decisive place in Budapest’s musical life. The opportunity to found it was provided by Jenő Hubay being called home from Brussels as a professor at the Academy of Music in the summer of 1886, and he insisted on employing the cellist, David Popper. They announced 6–8 concerts per season, then from 1904 to 1913 they retreated to the world of private concerts and performed in front of the public mainly in a piano trio formation. Their pianist partners included d’Albert, Bartók, Dohnányi, Friedman, Godowski, Paderewski, Stavenhagen, Szendy and Thomán. On several occasions, they participated in premieres of Brahms’s works, with the composer at the piano. The backbone of their programmes was the German tradition, and they also put a lot of emphasis on introducing new works.
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Hubay Cebrian Andor: Apám, Hubay Jenő. Egy nagy művész életregénye – történelmi háttérrel. Közr. Reményi Gyenes István. Budapest: Ariadne, 1992.
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