„A poézis a kedély…”
Dante és Novalis: költészetfelfogásuk tükrében
Poetry and the mood
– Dante and Novalis: Their Understanding of Poetry –
A comparative reading of the texts of the two poets is an ambivalent task. On the one hand, it is certainly adequate, since the Romantics discovered Dante for themselves. Both the image of the man and the poetics of his poetry were revelatory and productive in the eyes of the Romantics: they saw a new human attitude, the creative individuality, linguistic innovation in Dante’s texts. On the other hand, in shaping his own conception of poetry, Novalis makes little reference to Dante even as he draws heavily on the medieval world. However, the portrayal of the figure of the poet and the Romantic view of the role of poetry are linked in many ways. In the case of Dante I try to illustrate this through his relationship with Virgil, and in the case of Novalis, I characterise and interpret the figure of Arion, one of the allegorical poetic characters in the novel Heinrich von Ofterdingen.