A telep mint metafora

  • Sarolta Deczki Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Irodalomtudományi Intézet


The Settlement as Metaphor

The settlement is a typical setting in Hungarian literature, especially in the novels about poverty, at the beginning of the twentieth century and today as well. The settlement can be characterized by sociological and topographical factors, often intertwined with each other. Inhabitants of settlements have no place in public space, they have no language in which to argue. They can’t be heard and can’t be seen, they are invisible for the majority of society because they are living apart and excluded. The novels analyzed by Lajos Kassák, Tibor Noé Kiss, Balázs Antal, Sándor Tar, and Ferenc Barnás have variations of this scenario, but there is a recognizable similarity as well. This shows a structural identity throughout the century.
