Hiba a térképben

A terek poétikája Szilasi László A harmadik híd című regényében

  • Anita Káli Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Irodalomtudományi Intézet


The Poetics of Spaces in László Szilasi’s The Third Bridge

Closed spaces are popular venues in novels about poverty from the late 19th century to contemporary works: homesteads, villages, settlements and slums, for example. The poetics of space fundamentally determine the artistic composition of works on poverty. One of the main issues in the contemporary literature of poverty is how novels and short stories articulate poverty, how they speak of poverty as both content and form. In this paper analyzing László Szilasi’s novel A harmadik híd [The Third Bridge], the governing question is how the topos of devastation and closed spaces work in the novel, and how the reference to Szeged, as well as the point of view and narrative, shape the novel’s way of speaking about poverty.
