Veszteség, nagyság, egység

A textuális tér elfoglalása a Vérző Magyarország című antológiában

  • Szénási Zoltán Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Irodalomtudományi Intézet Modern Magyar Irodalmi Osztály


Loss, Greatness, Unity
The claiming of textual space in the anthology Bleeding Hungary

Bleeding Hungary, an anthology illustrated with Ernő Jeges’s graphics and edited by Dezső Kosztolányi, was published in 1920. Preliminary reviews defined the volume
as ‘the first irredentist book.’ The foreword was written by Regent Miklós Horthy and the book itself featured translated poems that non-Hungarian authors have
written on Hungary, as well as the contributions of prominent members of contemporary Hungarian intelligentsia, authors, academics, politicians, religious leaders
and other public figures. The anthology also featured the translated works of globally renowned literary authors who have already passed away by the time of its
publication, including François Coppée, Swinburne, Ibsen and Heine. The present study, approaching from the metaphilological concept of ‘textual space’, examines
how the texts and graphics of the anthology occupy the textual space defined by the physical dimensions of the book, and consequently, what additional ideological
meaning can be attributed to the given occupation of the textual space.
