Városok, szobák, ruhák

Mintázatok Rakovszky Zsuzsa prózájában

  • Schäffer Anett Miskolci Egyetem Irodalomtudományi Doktori Iskola


Anett Schäffer
Cities, Rooms, Clothes: Patterns in Zsuzsa Rakovszky’s Prose

The paper examines the most important patterns of Zsuzsa Rakovszky’s prose by concentrating on the major themes of her four novels (A kígyó árnyéka [The Shadow
of the Snake], A hullócsillag éve [The Year of the Shooting Star], Szilánkok [Shards], Célia) and her short stories published in the A Hold a hetedik házban (The Moon in
the Seventh House) volume: space, body and identity. Rakovszky’s works of prose are centred around these main motifs, and often portray stories in which identity
crises, sexual abuses and translocality are intertwined in a unique way. The analysis of these recurring thematical elements shows how Rakovszky’s novels and short
stories are connected. Moreover, it also helps to define how Rakovszky’s prose is related contemporary literary trends, and raises the question whether they can be
analysed as modern, postmodern or post-postmodern literature.
