Black Literature, Black Letters

Internment Literature and the Prisoners’ Correspondence

Keywords: Hungarian literature, Italian literature, First World War history


The paper Fekete irodalom, Fekete levelek. Lágerirodalom és a foglyok levelezése (Black Literature, Black Letters. Internment Literature and the Prisoners’ Correspondence) analyzes war literature and directly relevant literature about internment camps, both relating to the First World War. Although the war developed differently in Hungary and Italy, similar features can be found in these texts. In regarding to these aspects, this essay examines some works, starting from the Black Monastery [Fekete kolostor] by Aladár Kuncz and other novels and “reportage novels” (Siberian garrison [Szibériai garnizon], by Rodion Markovits) of the same period. Their characteristic traits are both distinct and comparable with the Italian works (i.e. Un anno sull’altipiano, by Emilio Lussu, Taccuino di Caporetto, by Carlo Emilio Gadda). The final part of the essay concerns popular writing and its role in literature, based on the experience in internment camps and war literature. It describes studies and research that focus on the correspondence with families and friends of soldiers and internees from many European countries.

Author Biography

Cinzia Franchi, Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Letterari

associate professor
