The XL. Annual National Conference of Hungarian Hydrological Society

Keywords: Hungarian Hydrological Society, Annual National Conference, Győr


 The XL.  Annual National  Conference of  HUNGARIAN HYDROLOGY SOCIETY (MHT) hosted by Győr city of waters. 369 participants from all areas of the water  sector came to the Széchenyi István University in Győr.

Author Biography

Veronika Major, Hungarian Journal of Hydrology

 VERONIKA MAJOR  certifield chemical-mechanical engineer (Budapest University of Technology), engineer with a degree in law (Eötvös Loránd University), university doctor. Vice-president of the Hungarian Water  Association, member of the Technical Legal Expert Board, editor-in-chief of the Hungarian Journal of Hydrology of the Hungarian Hydrological Society. Pál Benedek awardee and owner of the Jenő Kvassay memorial medal.

How to Cite
MajorV. (2023). The XL. Annual National Conference of Hungarian Hydrological Society. Hungarian Journal of Hydrology, 103(3), 84-86. Retrieved from