The The role of women during the first world war in Great Britain 1914-1918

Keywords: The First World War, Women


This summer marks 110 years since the outbreak of the First World War, which fundamentally shaped the entire 20thcentury, also known by contemporaries as the Great War. The conflict, lasting four years, not only unfolded on the battlefields but also profoundly transformed the daily lives of the warring states' home fronts. A large portion of men were conscripted, leaving behind tasks for those at home and women to create essential economic and social conditions necessary for continuing the war efforts. This study examines how the First World War altered the traditional social and economic roles of women established in the 19thcentury, and how their societalstatus changed as a result of wartime conditions, specifically focusing on Great Britain, a member of the Entente. It explores the activities women engaged in both on the home front and in the theatres of war.


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Military history