Digitalisation cooperation between university and civil organisations
Results and opportunities in the Dunaújváros urban area
Our study continues the series of research exploring the regional role of the University of Dunaújváros (DUE), this time summarizing the results of the cooperation between the university and the civil organizations of the Dunaújváros urban area in the period 2016-2024 in the field of digitalization, and looking for new opportunities for collaboration. Both the current Higher Education Strategy and the National Digitalisation Strategy expect universities to play a role in the regional digital ecosystem, including cooperation with civil organizations. Several examples of this are known through the projects of metropolitan universities and NGOs, but collaborations between smaller, regional universities and NGOs are less well explored. What civil partnerships related to digitalisation has DUE been involved in and with what results? What are the digitalisation needs of civil organisations in the Dunaújváros area and what are the challenges they have to overcome to successfully implement them? Our mixed-method research was carried out through the thematic analysis of institutional documents and the descriptive statistical analysis of an online questionnaire survey between August and October 2024. DUE has contributed to the digital transition of certain NGOs in the area of digital curriculum and skills development with a high level of satisfaction but a low number of cases. A low level of interest and even rejection of digitalisation is typical of NGOs, although some of them require the upgrading of their organisation’s digital infrastructure and competences. Obstacles include a low level of initiative, a lack of communication and information between organisations, and a shortage of financial resources. Our results highlight the barriers for civil society organisations in the effective implementation of the national digital strategy, but also suggest ways forward for university-civil society cooperation.
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