Foundation-supported higher education institutions in Hungary

digitisation, sustainability and equal opportunities – the role of non-profit organisations

  • Anita Varga Dunaújvárosi Egyetem
Keywords: Digitalisation, non-profit organisations, sustainability, equal opportunities, inclusive education


Higher education institutions have undergone a major transformation in recent years. The changes are primarily aimed at adapting to changing educational requirements, generational differences (of teachers and students) – reflected in the physical and mental diversity of entrants – and addressing these tensions through digitalisation, sustainability and equal opportunities. The aim of this paper is to explore the role of non-profit organisations in the related sub-parts of this process. A further aim of the analysis is to present the situation of foundation-supported higher education institutions in three key areas, highlighting the current achievements, importance and role of social engagement, using research findings. The study is designed to review the specificities of the three areas. The benefits of digitalisation can be a competitive advantage for foundation-based institutions, but they are more likely to support lifelong learning and the development of transversal competences. In the second part, we explore the intervention options for NPOs. NPOs support the introduction of digital tools and methods in universities. The NIOK Foundation–Civil Tech Hub plays a key role in this process by helping NPOs to ensure more effective collaboration. The use of adaptive technologies enables/enables the customisation of educational processes, contributing to meeting students’ individual needs and improving their learning outcomes. The use of specific software is currently possible in higher education systems. In the third section, the results of the analysis are summarised and suggestions are made for improving the quality of joint work between NPOs and HEIs. One of the main conclusions of the study, based on research findings and concrete data, is that the active participation and support of NPOs in the operational system of foundation-based institutions, especially in the field of equal opportunities, is difficult and possible in higher education as a whole.


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How to Cite
VargaA. (2024). Foundation-supported higher education institutions in Hungary: digitisation, sustainability and equal opportunities – the role of non-profit organisations. Civil Rewiev, 21(5), 27-46.