Civilians for digitalization
the role of civil society organizations in the development of digital competencies: programs, target groups and methods
Developing digital competences at all levels of education is key to developing 21st century skills. However, in addition to formal education systems/institutions, civil society organisations also play an important role in digital literacy and skills development. The aim of this study is to examine the contribution of educational programmes provided by NGOs to the development of digital literacy. The analysis also aims to explore the diversity, effectiveness and impact of digital literacy programmes offered by NGOs on the digital skills of participants. It will also look at the ways in which these programmes complement the formal education system and promote social inclusion and equal opportunities. The study is planned in three main units. The first will provide an overview of the theoretical background and the importance of digital literacy in our society, and will describe international and national efforts to develop digital literacy. The second unit focuses on the types of digital literacy programmes offered by NGOs, who their target groups are and what methods they use to teach them. While in the third part, the results of the analysis are summarised and suggestions are made for improving cooperation between NGOs and formal educational institutions. One of the main conclusions of the study is that CSOs can adopt more flexible, personalised and innovative teaching methods than traditional education systems, and thus make a significant contribution to the spread of digital literacy. In addition, the role of NGOs is particularly important - and has been demonstrated by international examples - in reaching and supporting disadvantaged groups, which plays a significant role in reducing the digital divide.
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