Productions directed by Alessandro Serra and Savvas Stroumpos in Budapest

Performance analyses involving the perspectives of Theatre Anthropology

  • Tölli Szofia Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetem
Keywords: Theatre Anthropology, directing, performance analyses, MITEM


The subject of my paper is two performances that were presented at the 11th Madách International Theatre Meeting (MITEM):[1] one is the closing event, Tragùdia – The Song of Oedipus,[2] directed by Alessandro Serra, and the other is The Seagull,[3] staged by Savvas Stroumpos. In addition to analysing these performances, I explore their cultural and theatrical context and attempt to approach them from the perspective of Theatre Anthropology.


[1] The festival was held between 6–28 April 2024 at the National Theatre in Budapest, (last visited: May 2, 2024).

[2] Co-production performance – Sardegna Teatro, Teatro Bellini di Napoli, ERT Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione, Fondazione Teatro Due Parma. The online playbill of the performance: (last visited: May 2, 2024).

[3] Zero Point Theatre. The online playbill of the performance: (last visited: May 2, 2024).


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Kornya, István. 2024. A színház is egy hallucináció – Világpremier a Nemzeti Színházban, Alessandro Serra rendező a Tragédia budapesti világpremierjéről, a polisz művészetéről, a mítoszról, az emberiség szeméről, a színházról és a fotográfiáról. Online access: (last visited: May 2, 2024).

Mendes de Jesus, Luciano and Sayonara Sousa Pereira. 2022. The Songs of Black Experiences: consonances and dissonances in the path between Grotowski and the Workcenter. Online access: (last visited: May 2, 2024).

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Case Studies