Productions directed by Alessandro Serra and Savvas Stroumpos in Budapest
Performance analyses involving the perspectives of Theatre Anthropology
The subject of my paper is two performances that were presented at the 11th Madách International Theatre Meeting (MITEM):[1] one is the closing event, Tragùdia – The Song of Oedipus,[2] directed by Alessandro Serra, and the other is The Seagull,[3] staged by Savvas Stroumpos. In addition to analysing these performances, I explore their cultural and theatrical context and attempt to approach them from the perspective of Theatre Anthropology.
[1] The festival was held between 6–28 April 2024 at the National Theatre in Budapest, (last visited: May 2, 2024).
[2] Co-production performance – Sardegna Teatro, Teatro Bellini di Napoli, ERT Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione, Fondazione Teatro Due Parma. The online playbill of the performance: (last visited: May 2, 2024).
[3] Zero Point Theatre. The online playbill of the performance: (last visited: May 2, 2024).
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