The Dramatic Power of Language

Approaches to Active Understanding

  • István Fazekas Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetem
Keywords: language, action, dramatic device, dramatic action, real action


The most important dramaturgical tool is the language itself, and with the help of the correctly used language, dramaturgy organically fitting into the dramatic tension draws the viewer into the story. Compassion for the hero in crisis makes the recipient part of the action, and when the recipient reaches the epicenter of dramatic tension, initiation takes place. Initiation, while retaining some distance to some extent, is an active analysis of stage speech, which undeniably means that through it we get to know its the thought process behind the text, the force fields of impulse and the direction of action. From the natural relationship between language and dramatic action, it emerges with elemental power: dramatic action is as much a concentrate of existence as stage action is a compressed form of real action. The study examines the dramatic power of language and its chances and possibilities on stage.


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