Conservation of macrofungi in Hungary: possibilities and perspectives

  • Ferenc Pál-Fám Department of Botany and Plant Production, University of Kaposvár
  • Lajos Benedek Department of Botany, Szent István University
  • Imre Rimóczi Department of Botany, Szent István University
Keywords: habitat protection, Hungary, macrofungi, possibilities, Red Data List


The implementation of macrofungi conservation in Hungary - although legal steps were not made up to now - should be one of the duties o f the near future. According to their special features the most effective way to preserve them is habitat protection. From the total of 456 endangered Hungarian species with IUCN 0,1 and 2 values preservation of 209 should be without any difficulties, while 118 species can be preserved only with considerable difficulties. The protection of 129 species will be very problematic with habitat protection. Due to Hungary’s partial mycological exploration many new endangered species may be documented in the near future, and the known habitat range of some already documented species will be enlarged. Additionally the problem of preservation of species occurring in hardly protectable habitats - forest plantations, grasslands and habitats exposed to human activities - exists and will exist in the future, too. In these cases particular resolutions must be made for preservation of these species.


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