Correlations of Ethics of Care, Environmental Responsibility and Gender Norms
This study is connected to sustainability studies in the way that it explores the roots of attitudes of environmental concerns and examines the reasons why people choose more sustainable consumption practices. More precisely we seek for those correlations that embrace environmental concerns, including climate change consciousness and the ethics of care and the values concerning gender relations. The data for the analysis are taken from a cross-sectional survey conducted in the framework of the NKFIH project, called Sustainable Consumption Patterns, Behavioural Strategies and Knowledge Use in Hungarian Society, at the HUN-REN TK Institute of Sociology. Penalized linear LASSO regression was used to examine the variables associated with responsibility towards nature. Our results confirmed that there was a relationship between caring ethics, the values of gender-equality and environmental concerns that has not been studied in this way earlier on data of Hungarian society. We also discuss the potential for international comparability of the reported data.
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