Migration patterns and motivations among the Hungarian gay community

  • Balázs Attila Szabó PTE TTK Földtudományok Doktori Iskola
Keywords: gaymigration, gaygeography, gaystudies, LGBTQ, queergeography


The article presents the migration characteristics of Hungarian gay and bisexual men based on the results of a questionnaire survey of 1,269 respondents. On one hand, it examines past migration between place of birth and current place of residence and on the other one, it explores potential destinations for future migration. The research also provides answers to the reasons for the planned change of residence and looks for correlations with other sociodemographic parameters. The results show that, irrespective of sexual identity, one of the main motivations for migration is economic-related. This fits in with the general migration trends in the majority society. However, among gay and bisexual men, the economic motivation is complemented by the need to experience and fulfil their sexual identity. The majority of the chosen migration destinations are clearly linked to Budapest and large cities in Western Europe, which is also not group-specific. Nevertheless, there are also new directions that stand out from the general destinations of the majority society.


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How to Cite
SzabóB. A. (2024). Migration patterns and motivations among the Hungarian gay community. Hungarian Review of Sociology, 34(3). https://doi.org/10.51624/SzocSzemle.12659