Japanese Theatre on Paper and Stage - Part II

The Appearance of Japanese Theater in the Hungarian Press and the Performances of Japanese Troupes between 1844 and 1918

  • Petra Doma
Keywords: Japanese theatre, Japanese theatre in Hungary, Japanese theatre in the Hungarian press, Echigo Kakubei Jishi, Torikata Imperial Ensemble, Mitsuta Group, Kamaritz Group, kabuki, Kawakami Sadayakko, Hanako, authentic Japanese theatre
How to Cite
DomaP. (2024). Japanese Theatre on Paper and Stage - Part II: The Appearance of Japanese Theater in the Hungarian Press and the Performances of Japanese Troupes between 1844 and 1918. Orpheus Noster, 16(4), 59-70. Retrieved from https://ojs.mtak.hu/index.php/on/article/view/17922