Csoportnevek a Legere Irodalmi Versenyen

  • Anikó N. Tóth Nyitrai Konstantin Filozófus Egyetem
  • Gabriella Petres Csizmadia Nyitrai Konstantin Filozófus Egyetem
Kulcsszavak: csoportnevek, identitás kifejezése, irodalom által inspirált nevek, kreativitás a névadásban, irodalmi névadás, középiskolai tanulmányi verseny, kisebbségi magyar, Szlovákia


Descriptive team names for the Legere Literary Competition

The paper presents the motives of the team names of the Legere Literary Competition for secondary school pupils at the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra. The research, conducted over 11 years, used a questionnaire survey and the interview method to examine the 258-item descriptive group name data. Apart from a handful of names with unknown motivations, the corpus can be divided into two broad categories based on the motivation for naming: one broad category is made up of team names related to the spirit and theme of the competition, and the other category is made up of team names related to the individual competitors. In addition to a detailed description of the two categories, their subdivision, classification and illustration with examples, the paper also notes the diversity of naming methods and the linguistic and visual playfulness and humour of the team names.

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