Ernst von Dohnányi as director of the New York State Symphony Orchestra

  • Anna Laskai Budapest Liszt Academy of Music


Until now, we have had very little information about the world famous pianist and composer Ernst von Dohnányi’s conducting activities and especially about the occasions when he conducted foreign ensembles. The present review aims to
trace Dohnányi’s two months as principal conductor of the New York State Symphony at the end of 1925. My study will present Dohnányi’s activities as a successful pianist in the United States beginning in 1921 through an overview of the
orchestra’s history and repertoire, Dohnányi’s programming, and the reception of the ensemble and its new conductor. In my summary, I pay particular attention to the programme concept of the conductor, who had been conducting Budapest’s
first orchestra, the Budapest Philharmonic Society, for some years – and in particular to the Hungarian works performed at concerts – and to the reviews in the American newspapers.


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How to Cite
LaskaiA. (2024). Ernst von Dohnányi as director of the New York State Symphony Orchestra. Hungarian Music, 62(2), 139-158. Retrieved from