The matinee concerts of Franz Liszt in the salon Of the inner-city presbytery

  • Ágnes Watzatka Liszt Ferenc Emlékmúzeum és Kutatóközpont


Between November 1870 and March 1871, Ferenc Liszt gave fourteen matinee concerts in the salon of the inner- city presbytery in Budapest. These were special events in the Hungarian capital. Liszt intended the matinee concerts to be a means
of bringing together people from different social groups in the city: aristocrats, politicians, intellectuals, artists, through a common interest in good music. This article introduces the artists who took part in these concerts: besides Ede Reményi, Olga Janina and Franz Servais, many young pianists and some remarkable singers. It also presents the repertoire, in which we find several important compositions by Liszt: transcriptions of his symphonic poems for two pianos; great piano pieces such as the Piano Sonata in B Minor or the Mephisto Waltz; vocal pieces such as the 137th Psalm and several songs. Quoting from the contemporary press, the article gives vivid descriptions of Liszt’s fascinating piano playing, his original and attractive personality. The presbytery, a beautiful neo- Gothic building that was demolished at the end of the 19th century, is also described in detail. In this period, after the Compromise of 1867, new cultural institutions were established. Liszt’s presence in the Hungarian capital gave urgency to the establishment of a music academy. As Liszt’s presence in Hungary was very much desired, especially as the president and a professor of the music academy to be founded, Liszt was appointed Court Counsellor with an annual income that ensured him a comfortable life in Pest. Thus Liszt’s matinee concerts were not only special musical events, but also marked the beginning of Liszt’s fruitful activity in Hungary for years to come.


Fővárosi Lapok VII/276. (1870. december 13.), 1230.

Fővárosi Lapok VII/282. (1870. december 20.), 1255.

Franz Liszts Briefe gesammelt und herausgegeben von La Mara, Vol. VI., Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel 1902.

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P. Eckhardt Mária: „A Zeneakadémia Liszt Ferenc leveleiben”. In: A Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Főiskola 100 éve. Szerk. Ujfalussy József. Zeneműkiadó, 1977, 25.

Walker, Alan: Liszt Ferenc, 1.: A virtuóz évek 1811–1847. Budapest: Editio Musica, 2003, 310.

Zenészeti Lapok XI/10. (1870. december 25.), 158–159.

Zenészeti Lapok XI/11. (1871. január 1.), 178.

Zenészeti Lapok XI/17. (1871. február 12.), 271.

[Szerző nélk.:] „Napihirek és események”, Budapesti Hírlap IV/24. (1856. január 29.), [3.]

VK.: „Liszt első zenereggélye”, Fővárosi Lapok VII/265. (1870. november 29.), 1181.

[Szerző nélk.:] „Fővárosi hirek”, Fővárosi Lapok VIII/49. (1871. március 1.), 227–228.

VK: „Liszt Ferenc zenereggélye (A második vasárnap)”, Fővárosi Lapok VII/271. (1870. december 6.), 1204–1205.

„Matinée Liszt Ferencnél”, Zenészeti Lapok XI/11. (1871. január 1.), 174–175.

How to Cite
Watzatka Ágnes. (2024). The matinee concerts of Franz Liszt in the salon Of the inner-city presbytery. Hungarian Music, 62(1), 33-46. Retrieved from