Considerations Regarding the Legal Regime and Theory of Illegal Migration in Romania

  • Ioan Lazăr Associate Professor, 1 Decembrie 1918’ University of Alba Iulia, Alba Iulia, Romania
Keywords: migration, refugee regime, asylum legislation, refugee’s rights and obligations


In the global political and economic context, the problem of migration is of special importance. Romania is one of the European countries situated at the confluence of several migration paths. This study provides a comprehensive overview of the basic migration related issues in Romania, encompassing fundamental concepts, the specific challenges confronting the nation with regard to illegal migration, and the existing international, European, and national regulations governing this domain. It further outlines the key principles applied by competent national authorities when addressing migration concerns and offers a concise presentation of the rights and responsibilities held by migrants within Romania. Through this exploration, the paper highlights the multifaceted landscape of migration in Romania, underlining its significance in domestic and global contexts.


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How to Cite
LazărI. (2023). Considerations Regarding the Legal Regime and Theory of Illegal Migration in Romania. Law, Identity and Values, 3(2), 157-186.