Crisis or Evolution?

  • Barnabás Lenkovics Professor, Faculty of Law, Széchenyi István University of Győr, Hungary
Keywords: marriage and family, crisis, evolution, protection and support, basic values, alternatives


According to the author, the serious crisis of marriage and family in the European (Western) civilization shall be stopped with effective legal protection and government measures. Since the root causes are complex, the protection shall also be the same. The natural and social side of man shall also be taken into account. The phenomenon of domination shall also be eliminated both within marriage and family. The level of the current legal protection cannot be reduced, it can only be increased. The priority (constitutional) protection of traditional marriage and family as natural and fundamental values is not discriminatory.


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How to Cite
LenkovicsB. (2021). Crisis or Evolution?. Law, Identity and Values, 1(1), 115-130.