Kritikai kiadások a magyarországi irodalomtudományban és az Irodalomtudományi Intézetben
A magyarországi kritikai kiadások tudomány és intézménytörténete
Critical Editions in Hungarian Literary Studies and the Institute for Literary Studies
An essential part of the preservation of the national cultural heritage and thereinvigoration of its potential impact are professionally prepared, complete, reliable editions of the classic texts of Hungarian literature, with commentary and annotations, and databases intended for long-term preservation and use. These scholarly editions form the basis of all popular editions for use by a wider audience, as well as textbooks and educational collections of texts. The study summarizes the scientific and institutional history of the preparation of critical editions in Hungary since the establishment of the Textological Working Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1960). It presents the results of the Institute for Literary Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, founded in 1956 (now an institutional member of the Research Center for the Humanities), where progress has been made in the last decades first by the simple digitization of print editions, and then in producing fully tagged and semantically marked-up databases. Today, the majority of critical editions in Hungary are available on the institute’s textology portal ( or in the DigiPhil system ( The digital technological platform necessary for the production of textual editions that takes advantage of state-of-the-art possibilities must now be present in the research phase of the work, in the very text editorial practice of the textologists working on the critical editions. The consistent aim of the Institute for Literary Studies is to create and disseminate research environments in Hungarian literary studies that meet the needs of such philological-textological work and are developed from professional programs designed for it. To digitally produce critical editions, as well as a platform for open-access and free online publishing will require both applied and basic research. By developing this workflow, the Institute for Literary Studies is laying the foundations for the technological normalization of the digital humanities on a wider scale.