Factors influencing the preparation of the post-2027 EU budget framework

  • Ákos Kengyel BCE


The article analyses the factors influencing the future shifts in the EU budget by examining the long-term characteristics of the budget and the changes that took place in the period between 2021-2027. The purpose of the study is to draw lessons from the operation of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and the Next Generation EU program (NGEU) and to map the factors influencing the planning of the new budget period starting after 2027. In the light of the changes and challenges that occurred in the current budget period, the author analyses the limitations and directions of changes resulting from the size, financing and expenditure structure of the budget. The analysis pays particular attention to the consequences arising from the new approaches applied within the framework of the NGEU, including joint borrowing, as well as the approaches representing a significant change in supporting structural reforms and accounting for performance indicators.

Author Biography

Ákos Kengyel, BCE

Egyetemi tanár, Jean Monnet Chair, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Nemzetközi Kapcsolatok Tanszék

How to Cite
Kengyel Ákos. (2024). Factors influencing the preparation of the post-2027 EU budget framework . Hungarian Economic Review, 71(12), 1381–1405. Retrieved from https://ojs.mtak.hu/index.php/kszemle/article/view/17786