Has the Europeaun Union remained an unfulfilled promise?

  • László Csaba CEU, BCE, MTA


After two decades of EU membership, a majority of the Hungarian public still supports membership. However, reflecting intense governmental influencing in terms of communication and policies alike, the previously negligible euroskepticism has benn gaining substantial ground. Following a different path from what ‘Brussels’ aims at, has become part and parcel of good manners nowadays. The round anniversary of Hungary’s EU accession allows for a strategic rethinking of pluses and minuses of the road taken. Finally, I contemplate where the line of regular confrontation with the Union may lead us.

Author Biography

László Csaba, CEU, BCE, MTA

Az MTA rendes tagja, egyetemi tanár, Közép-európai Egyetem, Bécs és Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

How to Cite
CsabaL. (2024). Has the Europeaun Union remained an unfulfilled promise?. Hungarian Economic Review, 71(5), 495–511. Retrieved from https://ojs.mtak.hu/index.php/kszemle/article/view/17713