Sectoral features of innovation ecosystems and an opportunity for classification

  • Csilla Tóth ZalaZONE Tudományos Park Kft.
  • Beáta Fehérvölgyi PE
  • Zoltán Kovács PE
  • András Háry ZalaZONE Ipari Park Zrt.


The local environment is a determining factor in the concentration of industrial activities, service providers and related research and development capacities. In recent decades, industrial parks, local innovation environments and incubators have undergone significant changes in Hungary. Little research has addressed the specificities that help incoming entities to become meaningfully integrated into the value chain of the ecosystem. However, practical experience suggests that the professional, sectoral, and industry focus of innovation ecosystems is a distinctive feature of cooperation and research in this area is warranted. The authors contribute to covering this research gap with the current analysis. The aim is to evaluate sectoral characteristics based on the empirical examination of different ecosystems in Hungary. The conclusions describe different patterns, which can characterise certain types of ecosystems, considering their range of activities and sectoral concentration. As part of the discussion, the authors propose a method for describing the sectoral focus of an innovation ecosystem based on the activities of the settled players.

Author Biographies

Csilla Tóth, ZalaZONE Tudományos Park Kft.

parkfejlesztési koordinátor

Beáta Fehérvölgyi, PE

 dékán, Pannon Egyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kar

Zoltán Kovács, PE

 egyetemi tanár, Pannon Egyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kar

András Háry, ZalaZONE Ipari Park Zrt.


How to Cite
TóthC., FehérvölgyiB., KovácsZ., & HáryA. (2024). Sectoral features of innovation ecosystems and an opportunity for classification. Hungarian Economic Review, 71(9), 57–987. Retrieved from