A termelői piacok fogyasztói profiljának szakirodalom-elemzése
Farmers’ markets are a traditional sales channel that offer consumers the opportunity to buy food. Today, farmers’ markets are enjoying a renaissance and research on them has been going on for decades. However, no previous study has synthesised the previous research on farmers’ market consumers and summarised the most important empirically proven characteristics of these consumers. Our present study uses the tools of systematic literature review to simultaneously analyse the available international and domestic literature by collecting the empirical, survey-based information available in academic journals. We analyse consumers based on the results of 111 studies from 21 countries. The results clearly indicate a homogeneous group of consumers, as 27 main characteristics have been identified along which consumers in farmers’ markets can be characterised. The study formulates the main conclusions and messages for the different stakeholders (farmers, organisers, operators, policy makers) and outlines possible directions for further research.the A rt icle s