The legal building blocks of the concept of sustainable settlements, in the light of digitalization
In the last couple of decades, humanity has been facing the impact of climate change and has realised the need for immediate action to combat the adverse effects. The United Nations, the key global actor, accepted the Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, setting a comprehensive agenda for sustainability until 2030. SDG 11 concentrates explicitly on sustainable, inclusive and liveable human settlements, detailing several tasks for the international community. Such settlements are also significant for the European sphere, as a growing percentage of European citizens live in urbanised surroundings. Digitalisation plays a growing role; even artificial intelligence has found its way into our everyday lives. In this article, I am concentrating on the legal definition and short history of green democracy within the frames of sustainable human settlements. The main research question is whether there is a concrete definition of a green democracy and what the main connection is between the legal elements of sustainable livelihoods and the building stones of a green democracy. I am also highlighting the importance of digital solutions and the pros and cons of the applicability of artificial intelligence. There is a particular focus on human rights, as well as on third-generation rights, including the right to food and the right to water.
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