Requirements Concerning the Charge in the Practice of the European Court of Human Rights

  • Andrea Czédli-Deák University of Debrecen
Keywords: due process of law, the cause and nature of the charge, divergent legal qualification, right to defense, right to information


One of the safeguards of conducting a fair trial is to ensure that the defendant can become aware of the content of the indictment, namely, what criminal offense he is charged with. To enhance defense efficiency, the ECHR has set up standards regarding the content of the charge. This topic was last analyzed in a scientific publication in 2008, and this paper revealed that the ECHR had not elaborated a solid practice on how to comply with the due process of law, whether it is enough to enable the defendant to get to know the current facts of the case, or he should be continuously informed about the changes of legal qualification. The time passed has created a fruitful field for a new scientific observation if the divergent practice has unified, and if there exist any consistent guidelines on how member states should ensure that defendants can get acquainted with the court’s point of view regarding the subject of the charge. This paper aims to conclude the valid opinion of the ECHR concerning this question by processing judgements of the last more than 15 years.


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