Review of integration tasks in regional and urban water management within the impact area of the Tisza-Körös Valley Cooperative Water Management System (TIKEVIR)

Keywords: Integrated Integrated watershed management, Tisza-Körös valley, TIKEVIR


Last year, the Faculty of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences at the University of Debrecen organized a conference titled "Trends and Challenges in Regional Water Management" related to the impact area of TIKEVIR. This conference highlighted the critical points of regional water management. In March 2024, in connection with the UN World Water Day, the Faculty of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences at the University of Debrecen hosted the "Review of Integration Tasks in Regional and Urban Water Management within the Impact Area of the Tisza-Körös Valley Cooperative Water Management System (TIKEVIR)" conference. Similar to last year, where the focus was on identifying tasks, this year the participants created a declaration document addressing integrated regional and urban water management within the TIKEVIR impact area. After professional debate, this document will be forwarded to decision-makers.

Author Biographies

János Tamás , University of Debrecen, Institute of Water and Environmental Management

JÁNOS TAMÁS is the director of the Institute of Water and Environmental Management at the University of Debrecen; agricultural engineer, agro-chemical, water management and spatial information engineer. He was awarded the title of Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2007. Honours. Publication of the year, Award for the Environment, Sajó Elemér award for water management, Hatvani professor research award, Knight’Cross of the Republic of Hungary. He has published nearly 500 books and 16 textbooks. He has published several textbooks in the field of precision agriculture and water management. His focused specialisation is the modelling of soil and environmental conditions with the help of geoinformatics and remote sensing tools. Member of the Hungarian Hydrological Society, member of the editorial board of the Hungarian Journal of Hydrology since 2015.

Attila Nagy, University of Debrecen, Institute of Water and Environmental Management

ATTILA NAGY is an associate professor at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Debrecen.He graduated as an agricultural engineer in 2005, obtained his PhD degree in 2009 and habilitated in 2016. In his scientific career he has worked on phytoremediation. His current research interests include the application of remote sensing and geospatial information in water management processes, drought stress effects, and the assessment of critical flow factors in agricultural water management. Awards: Rector's certificate of recognition 2012, Magyary Zoltán Postdoctoral Scholarship (2013-2014), MTA Bolyai János Research Scolarship (2022-). Member of the Hungarian Hydrological Society since 2015

Nikolett Éva Kiss, University of Debrecen, Institute of Water and Environmental Management

ÉVA KISS NIKOLETT is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Environmental Management of the University of Debrecen. She obtained a degree in environmental management in 2016 and a PhD degree in 2022. In her doctoral dissertation, she dealt with the life cycle assessment of a circular economy. In addition to life cycle assessment, she is currently conducting research in the field of agricultural water management. Scholarships, awards: CEEPUS student and teacher mobility scholarship: BOKU, Vienna. K&H for sustainable agriculture scholarship competition 2022. - 1st place in the PhD category. 2024 Hungarian Academy of Sciences Environmental Science Youth Award.


Tamás J., Nagy A. (2023). A Tiszántúl területi integrált vízgyűjtőgazdálkodási problémáinak és megoldási lehetőségeinek azonosítása, a Tisza-Körös völgyi Együttműködő Vízgazdálkodási Rendszer (TIKEVIR) hatásterületén. Hidrológiai Közlöny, 103. évf. 3. szám, pp. 64-67.

Debreceni Egyetem, Médiatár, Területi és települési vízgazdálkodás konferencia:

How to Cite
Tamás J., NagyA., & Kiss Éva. (2024). Review of integration tasks in regional and urban water management within the impact area of the Tisza-Körös Valley Cooperative Water Management System (TIKEVIR). Hungarian Journal of Hydrology, 104(4), 63-67.