New containerized wastewater treatment technology: system description and evaluation of treatment capacity of a highly efficient MBBR systemn

  • Tamás Kloknicer Inno-Water Ltd., Óbuda University Doctoral School on Materials Sciences and Technologies
  • Dániel Benjamin Sándor Inno-Water Ltd.
  • Anita Szabó Inno-Water Ltd.
Keywords: Biotechnology, MBBR, wastewater treatment, biofilm monitoring, technology introduction


In a recent R&D project, an innovative biofilm micro-carrier was invented by Inno-Water Inc., that has a much smaller size compared to the traditional carriers. In this article, we show the capacities and structure of a new wastewater treatment system, that contains this new type of biofilm carrier. The “MICROBI” technology has an average of 99,4% ammonium, 94,3% COD, and 75,0% total nitrogen removal rates in municipal wastewater. During the period of bacterial colonization, we measured chemical parameters (COD, NO3-N, NO2-N, PO4-P, NH4-N) of the inflow and effluent twice a week for seven weeks. After that, a 24-hour measuring campaign was carried out to determine the full capacity of the system. Simultaneously we measured dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, and conductivity in the reactor, and monitored the development of biofilm on the carrier with the light microscope and TTC colouring method. The results show a significant nitrification ability and high COD and ammonium removal at an inflow of 27-28 m3/day. Future improvement plans include the optimization of denitrification and increasing the daily wastewater treatment capacity.

Author Biographies

Tamás Kloknicer , Inno-Water Ltd., Óbuda University Doctoral School on Materials Sciences and Technologies

TAMÁS KLOKNICER finished the bachelor in 2020 at Óbuda University, as an environmental engineer. His topic was freshwater qualification via macroinvertebrates. Next, he went to the University of Debrecen to study Hidrobiology to better understand the biological quantification system, in monitoring the urbanization effect on macroinvertebrates. He graduated in 2022. During his studies, he worked at Inno-Water Zrt, which is an R+D and consulting company in the fields of freshwater, and wastewater. Now he is in my PhD studies at Óbuda University, a material sciences doctoral school. His work is about this new MICROBI technology and developing special kinetics for MBBR-type systems.

Dániel Benjamin Sándor , Inno-Water Ltd.

DÁNIEL SÁNDOR BENJAMIN has a master’s degree in environmental engineering since 2007 at Budapest University of Technology and Economics. He is also a professional engineer in the fields of water resource and sewage management (2012) also at Budapest University of Technology and Economics. He has worked as an R&D CEO of Inno-Water Zrt since 2016.

Anita Szabó , Inno-Water Ltd.

ANITA SZABÓ has more than 20 years of experience in the protection of environment and water quality. Her main research areas are urban water management, chemical and biological wastewater treatment, drinking water treatment technologies, and protection of surface waters. As an expert and researcher of Inno-Water Inc., and previously as a member of the BME Department of Water Utility and Environmental Engineering research team, and the Water Management Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, she has previously worked on several research and environmental-technical consulting projects on the following topics: technologic and economic evaluation and development of drinking water-, industrial water- and wastewater treatment technologies, environmental impact assessments, pollutant emission impact assessment, investigation of water quality changes in pipelines (drinking water, industrial water supply, sewerage networks), water management and water quality surveys of surface waters, preparation of wetland rehabilitation projects


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How to Cite
KloknicerT., SándorD. B., & SzabóA. (2024). New containerized wastewater treatment technology: system description and evaluation of treatment capacity of a highly efficient MBBR systemn. Hungarian Journal of Hydrology, 104(EN_1), 35-44.
Scientific Papers