The importance of the hydraulic conductivity in case of the impact assessment of gravel pits

  • Rózsa Csoma Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering
Keywords: Gravel dredging, groundwater drawdown, hydraulic conductivity, estimation based on grain size distribution


The evaporation of gravel pits is recharged from the groundwater. This surplus of the open surface compared to the covered area is a loss of water from the point of view of the groundwater balance, that results in modified flow conditions and the sinking of the groundwater level around the gravel pit both in operation and abandoned. The magnitude of this water level sinking – drawdown - is essentially influenced by the hydraulic conductivity. The hydraulic conductivity is one of the most uncertain parameters to estimate in the engineering and geological practice, as even within a given mining lot it may vary rather sharp from point to point, from layer to layer. But at the same time, it may be proven, that the effect of the hydraulic conductivity on the groundwater levels is significant: in case of a given type of soil the possible extreme values of the conductivity may result even a tenfold difference in drawdown. Summarizing the main methods to determine the hydraulic conductivity and comparing them from the point of view of gravel dredging, the aim of this paper is to call the attention on the importance of this parameter.

Author Biography

Rózsa Csoma, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering

Rózsa CSOMA civil engineer (1985.), Ph.D. (2007. Thesis: Analytic Elements with Regular and Irregular Shape to Model Groundwater Flow) is associated professor at the Department of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Several B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., and advanced courses are taught in in the field of Hydraulics, Hydraulic Engineering, Groundwater, and their special chapters (most courses also in English, the basic courses in German as well). Supervised more than 110 Diploma Thesis. Research field is seepage and groundwater hydraulics, hydraulic engineering structures, semi analytical and numerical modelling of flow and transport processes. Member of the Hungarian Hydrological Society since 1983, where in 2021, Pro Aqua prize was awarded. Graduate students under her supervision won approx. 10 prizes at the Diploma Thesis Competition of the Society.


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How to Cite
CsomaR. (2023). The importance of the hydraulic conductivity in case of the impact assessment of gravel pits . Hungarian Journal of Hydrology, 103(4), 52-62.
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