A thermodynamics-based versatile evapotranspiration estimation method of minimum data requirement for water resources investigations in Hungary

Keywords: catchment-level water management, climate change, evapotranspiration


The author is an expert of the complementary relationship of evaporation. The thermodynamics-based versatile evapotranspiration estimation method of minimum data requirement (air temperature, humidity, wind speed, net radiation), presented in Hungarian for the first time is the pinnacle of twenty-two years of his research. The advantage of the method is that it contains only two easy-to-calibrate parameters (while outperforming complex methods of large data requirement) but can be employed in a calibration-free mode as well. This latter version again substantially outperforms the only other available such method (i.e., Morton’s WREVAP code) in almost every performance measure possible. All in all, it is a reliable and versatile evapotranspiration estimation approach that naturally lends itself for supporting catchment-level water management/allocation plans.

Author Biography

József Szilágyi, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering

JÓZSEF SZILÁGYI obtains his meteorology (with an emphasis in hydrology) diploma in 1989 from Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest. Until 1992 he works as an operational hydrometeorologist at the National Hydrological Forecasting Center of Hungary. In 1994 he earns an MSc in hydrology from the University of New Hampshire (USA) and in 1997 a PhD from the University of California-Davis. Until 2005 he is a full-time research hydrologist at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, then an associate, while from 2009, a full professor, both, at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. In 2005 he earns a doctorate degree in Earth Sciences from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Currently he is president of the Water Resources Management Board of HAS, and associate editor of the Journal of Hydrology. In 2022 he is a recipient of the Pál Vásárhelyi Prize.


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How to Cite
SZILÁGYI J. (2023). A thermodynamics-based versatile evapotranspiration estimation method of minimum data requirement for water resources investigations in Hungary. Hungarian Journal of Hydrology, 103(4), 25-34. https://doi.org/10.59258/hk.13171
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