Applicability of a velocity-based approach for time of concentration estimation in Hungarian catchments

Keywords: Time of concentration, velocity, Manning, rational method, catchment, hydrology


The estimation of time of concentration is required for several hydrologic calculations, such as the application of the rational method or rainfall-runoff modeling. Direct measurement of its value is not possible. Therefore, indirect estimation procedures need to be applied. In a previous research, I estimated time of concentration using observed rainfall and runoff time series for several Hungarian catchments. These values provide a sound basis for comparative studies. It would be of great value if a physically-based method, relying solely on hydraulic parameters, would be proven applicable for time of concentration estimation in ungauged basins. I applied an existing velocity-based approach for six Hungarian catchments and compared the result with the values derived in previous studies using rainfall-runoff data. The presented method could not produce similar values to the latter. Therefore, it is not applicable to estimate time of concentration in ungauged catchments. The reasons behind the presented method’s dysfunctionality are also discussed.

Author Biography

Eszter Dóra Nagy, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering

ESZTER DÓRA NAGY She received her Infrastructural Engineering degree at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering in 2018. At the present time, she is an Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering. Her research topic is rainfall-runoff modeling of small watersheds. She has been a member of the Hungarian Hydrological Society since 2016.


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How to Cite
NagyE. D. (2023). Applicability of a velocity-based approach for time of concentration estimation in Hungarian catchments . Hungarian Journal of Hydrology, 103(4), 16-24.
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