Determination of the annual water balance of the two Hungarian lowland watersheds based on measured and modelled data

Keywords: Water resource management, water balance, MIKE NAM, MIKE Hydro River


The better knowledge of regional water balances is an important strategic issue of our water management. However, we have not got sufficiently detailed data, so we could try to work with hydrological modelling. The models were not developed for Hungarian conditions, we have to carry out two-way research. On the one hand, we need to determine how the data at our disposal (poor spatial resolution) can be used, and on the other hand, how safely we can use the models of international practice in our country. We conducted research on two small watersheds in the Hungarian Great Plain using monthly data. By doing so, we compared the traditional water balance made from the actual measured data with statistical and hydrological calculations with the model results of the rainfall-runoff (MIKE NAM) and hydrodynamic (MIKE Hydro River) models. The two analyzed small catchments (the Dong-ér and the Berettyó) were very different in terms of basic data. There are many surface water measuring stations in the Berettyó sub-catchment, the actual water yield calculated statistically based on the available data can be a reference value to which the hydrodynamic model can be calibrated. In addition, the hydrodynamic model can be calibrated to the measured data. In the case of the Dong-ér watershed, due to the very incomplete territorial data, they first had to be calibrated with the help of a reference watershed. A reliable calibration and simulation can be performed using the combination of rainfall-runoff and hydrodynamic models. Based on the statistical results calculated from the measured data, the suitability of the models can be evaluated, and conversely, the model simulation procedure can complement the statistical calculation of the surface water resources of catchments with inadequate data. It was shown how the selection of the reference watershed – based on the hydrological analogy procedure – influences the results. The results of this study can support decision-makers regarding the issuance of water use permits and the testing of water resources management proposals.

Author Biography

HOP QUANG TRAN , General Directorate of Water Management, Department of River Basin Management

HOP QUANG TRAN obtained an MSc degree in infrastructure – civil engineering from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in 2012. After that, he taught and researched at the Hanoi University of Natural Resources and Environment for 6 years. From 2020, he is a doctoral candidate at the Doctoral School of Geosciences of the University of Szeged. His research topic is numerical hydrologic, hydrodynamic, and water balance modeling. Currently, he is a senior technical (hydrological) referent of the General Directorate of Water Management. He is a member of the Hungarian Hydrological Society from 2020.


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How to Cite
Quang Tran H. (2023). Determination of the annual water balance of the two Hungarian lowland watersheds based on measured and modelled data. Hungarian Journal of Hydrology, 103(3), 54-63.
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