Event-based rainfall-runoff modelling using precipitation data from various sources
In the case of rainfall-runoff modelling, the quality of the applied input data is an essential factor, especially concerning the precipitation time series. Nowadays, many databases are available, but their quality and applicability might differ significantly. The research has two main aims: to examine the suitability of different precipitation data sources in the case of rainfall-runoff modelling of medium-sized watersheds and to examine the applicability of physical parameters of the soil using a free online map stock. The catchment delineation was performed using ArcGIS and HEC-GeoHMS while the rainfall-runoff models were built in HEC-HMS software. These models are deterministic, event-based and lumped. The modelled events – nine for each watershed – occurred between 2009 and 2016 in the study area. Gauging station, reanalysis, and satellite data were used in the model. The model was calibrated and validated for runoff quantities, the shape of the hydrograph and the time of the peak discharge. Based on the results, the different data sources were compared in detail based on the aspects of manageability, resolution, the standard deviation of runoff rates, and the difficulty of calibration. After summarizing the results, it can be seen that without weighting the examined aspects the satellite data proved to be the most suitable. It can also be stated that the applied soil data can be used for modelling, however, the parameters require calibration
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