Characterization and impact of heat exchange at the sediment-water interface in Lake Balaton
Water temperature is one of the most important physical parameters in lake ecosystems that directly impacts the dynamics of ecological processes. In the case of shallow lakes, such as Lake Balaton, sediment temperature is closely related to water temperature, and thus, they can significantly influence each other. For this reason, in this research, we investigated the heat exchange at the sediment-water interface of Lake Balaton based on long-term measurements. During the measurement program, we monitored water and sediment temperatures and directly measured the sediment heat flux in the upper layer of the sediment using heat flux plates with high temporal resolution. In addition, based on the data series, energy balance calculations were performed for the upper layer of the sediment and for the entire water column. By our investigation, we found that: i) the heat conduction in Lake Balaton’s sediment can be well characterized by a constant heat conduction coefficient, when the sediment is not disturbed by water movements, and a stable temperature stratification occurs at the interface; ii) the molecular diffusion-type heat exchange at the interface and in the sediment can be significantly disturbed by water movements and density-driven pore water flows; iii) the surface heat exchange can have a significant impact on the stratification of the deep water layer above the sediment, so that it can have a significant impact on hydrobiological processes too, like dissolved oxygen levels on the sediment surface. In addition, we showed that by neglecting the sediment heat flux, the average water temperature could be modeled well; however, its effect must be compensated by the heat exchanges at the air-water interface. Consequently, we will make an error primarily in the sensible and, secondly, in the evaporative heat exchange estimations.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Sebestyén Dániel Török, Péter Torma, Tamás Weidinge
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