Partial interoperability, whether its scientific investigation is necessary?

  • Sándor Munk Ludovika University of Public Service, Faculty of Military Science and Officer Training
Keywords: interoperability, interoperability of IT systems, partial interoperability, measurement of interoperability


Nowadays, the interoperability of military IT systems is of particular importance. Despite the fact that, in practice, interoperability between heterogeneous systems is never complete, the concept of partial interoperability is essentially absent in the literature, and it has not been determined under what con-ditions and consequences systems with partial interoperability can be used in practice. The publica-tion defines the conceptual foundations of partial interoperability, which is built to satisfy information exchange requirements. It analyses its role and significance from the user's point of view, and proves that the available interoperability validation procedures are not sufficient to assess the fulfilment of user interoperability requirements.


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National defence