Protection of Monuments and Works of Art on the Italian Theatre of War of the First World War

Keywords: First World War, Italian theatre of war, protection of monuments, protection of works of art, group for protecting works of art


The devastations of the First World War did not spare the built heritage, neither the monuments, nor other works of art. After the Caporetto breakthrough on October 24, 1917 the allied Austro-Hungarian and German troops occupied significant territories of northern Italy. The occupiers considered the protection of monuments and other works of art, which are part of the universal cultural heritage, an important task. This study summarizes the activities of the Austro-Hungarian group for the protection of works of art during 1917–1918. The difficulties of the group’s work and the results of its activities are highlighted, while the returning of those works of art after World War One that the occupiers transported is also analysed.


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