The Possibilities and Limitations of Establishing 3D Printing Capability in the Hungarian Defence Forces

Keywords: additive manufacturing, 3D printing, 3D printing capability


The purpose of the research presented in the article is to examine the establishment of additive manufacturing technology, with a particular focus on investigating the 3D printing capability within the Hungarian Defence Forces. We introduce additive manufacturing processes, emphasizing one of its crucial types, 3D printing technology, along with its advantages and limitations. The main section of the paper presents the legislative requirements, manufacturing advantages, and opportunities that justify the relevance of 3D printing in the execution of military tasks. Subsequently, we outline the set of conditions necessary for the establishment and successful application of 3D printing capability within military organizations. We provide a detailed overview of the personnel and material requirements needed for the military application of 3D printing procedures. We address the conditions and possibilities for effective and successful training for the implementation of 3D printing, as well as the personnel and material requirements for education.

Author Biography

Kálmán Dr. Dénes

civil mérnök


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