The endangered indigenous breed – the Drežnica goat as a symbol of local identity in Slovenia
Historically, goat farming was an important economic activity and a significant source of income, especially for the inhabitants of the western part of Slovenia in the Julian Alps (Posočje). In this region, dairy cattle were predominant at middle altitudes, while goats were only kept in the higher mountain areas, where the steep and rocky mountain pastures were only suitable for goats. Over the centuries, this environment gave rise to the indigenous Slovenian goat breed, the Drežnica goat. Even today, the Drežnica goat is closely associated with traditional agricultural practices such as seasonal dairy farming, while the chevon type of the Drežnica goat is characterised by an even more specific type of agricultural practise that is unique to Slovenia. In Slovenia, goat farming and grazing were often accompanied by legal restrictions in the past, which led to the depopulation of mountain villages and the transformation of the landscape. This study underscores the resilience of the Drežnica goat breed, highlighting its crucial role not only in sustaining biodiversity but also in maintaining the cultural and ecological heritage of the Posočje region.
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