Dr. István Bíró - Dr. László Zsilinszky: Formation and change of the structural system of breeding organization during the historical development of Hungarian livestock breeding - book review

  • András Gáspárdy


A new professional issue was published (in Hungarian) at the end of March 2024, Dr. István Bíró - Dr. László Zsilinszky: Formation and change of the structural system of breeding organization during the historical development of Hungarian livestock breeding (Tenyésztésszervezés szervezeti rendszerének kialakulása és változása a magyar állattenyésztés történeti fejlődése során; ISBN 978-615-01-9417-2). It has now fortunately been published with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and the care of the DAGENE Association. The book's Introduction was written by András Gáspárdy, president of DAGENE. The publication may be of greater interest among agricultural education and research institutions, breeding organizations, and animal husbandry specialists.
