Slovenian Learners` Knowledge about Slovenian Native Livestock Breeds

  • Metka ŽAN Department of Animal Science, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva 101, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Keywords: Slovenian Native Breeds, Knowledge, Learner


In this paper, we present the results of the study on Slovenian learners` knowledge of native livestock breeds in Slovenia. We surveyed a total of 164 young learners, aged 12 to 15, from three elementary schools in rural areas using a questionnaire. They were asked if they had ever heard the term native breed and what the term Slovenian native breed meant. On the list of 23 livestock breeds, they had to tick the Slovenian native breeds. Finally, learners were asked to list their most common sources of information about Slovenian native breeds. The results of the study show that most learners had already heard the term native breed. Moreover, the learners know best that the Lipizza horse and the Carniolan bee are Slovenian native breeds. However, they do not know that the Bosnian mountain horse is also a native breed on Slovenian territory. Few learners recognised the Drežnica goat and the Cika cattle as Slovenian native breeds. Television and Internet are the most important sources of information about native breeds, while school education obviously does not play a role.


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Scientific papers