Determination of the generation interval in the Gyimes Racka and its importance in endangered sheep breeds
The idea of preserving endangered domestic animal breeds is not new. Despite this, many of these breeds have documented ancestry dating back only a few decades. The Hungarian stud book of the Gyimes Racka breed of sheep was established in 2005. The aim of the authors is to use the pedigree to determine the length of the generation interval in this breed and to compare it with the corresponding results from other breeds. The longest generational gap was found in mother-lamb relationships (4.13 and 4.63 years). This value for the ram-producing mothers was 4.00 years but interestingly the mothers producing female offspring lag behind contribute to reproduction, not much above (4.14 years, P>0.05). The shortest distance between successive generations was found between the breeding rams and their breeding and non-breeding progenies (3.28 and 3.69 years, respectively). In the relationship between the sires and their breeding sons, this value is even lower (3.14 years). On the father's side we get lower values because the rams are changed more often and remain in breeding for a shorter time. Mothers, on the other hand, stay in breeding one year longer (P<0.05). However, within the paths mentioned above, there was no longer any proven difference (P>0.05) depending on the sex of the lambs. Both lower and higher values than these can be found in the literature, depending mainly on how parent-offspring relationships have been defined. In the case of endangered domestic animals, it is advantageous if the generation interval is long, as here the annual mean decrease in genetic diversity is not significant.
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