“What Every Economics Students Need to Know„ – ALSO
Although not well known among sociologists, John Komlos, Professor Emeritus of economics and of economic history of the University of Munich, uses many sociological concepts in this new edition of his Foundations of Real World Economics – What Every Economics Students Need to Know that makes it a must-read for those who would like to learn more about the workings of the real economy instead of the ivory-tower theorizing of most mainstream economics. Born in Hungary, Komlos received PhDs in both history and economics from the University of Chicago where his mentor, the Nobel laureate Robert Fogel, introduced him to the importance of biological indicators for understanding economic processes. This review presents the author's paradigm-shifting book, published for the third time by Routledge in early 2023, which turns the reader's attention from "zombie" neoliberal dogma to the realities of the „real world„ economy.
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