Opportunities for non-profit organisations in an increasingly centralised public service system
In my study, I examine the question: what is the impact of centralisation or decentralisation on non-profit organisations providing public services? The decentralised structure that emerged after the regime change in 1990 has now clearly shifted towards centralisation. The question is: what are these changes and what impact have they had on the situation and functioning of the domestic non-profit sector? The two periods therefore
provide an opportunity for comparison. For this purpose, I use data from two population surveys (2018 and 2023) and data from the Central Statistical Office (2016 and 2022). The 2018 population survey is based on a sample of 1500 respondents and the 2023 data are based on a sample of 1800 respondents, representative of the size of the municipality, educational attainment, gender and age group. The survey asks how important is it to local people whether the service is provided by the state, local government, a non-profit
or for-profit organisation? The central question is whether respondents can distinguish between who provides the service and whether there is a difference between the state and the municipality as a provider? Responses were segmented not only by who supports centralisation and in which areas they consider it important, but also by the type of non-profit organisation that provides public services. And the KSH data show how the range of organisations providing public services changed between 2016 and 2022. By
analysing these two different databases, we will be able to answer the question of what conditions and frameworks the increasingly centralised structure of local government and governance is creating/leaving for NGOs to provide public services.
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